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Nokia signs deal with ST-Ericsson to supply chipsets for future Windows Phone handsets

Breaks Qualcomm monopoly over platform
Nokia signs deal with ST-Ericsson to supply chipsets for future Windows Phone handsets

In a move that breaks Qualcomm's hold over the platform, Nokia has signed a deal with ST-Ericsson to supply chipsets for future Windows Phone handsets.

The move is already being billed as a sign the Finnish manufacturer plans to release a flurry of new dual-core handsets in the near future, though specifics have not yet been given.

Going Nova with Nokia

Specifically, Nokia phones will make use of ST-Ericsson's NovaThor family of ARM-based chipsets, designed to deliver the "highest performance at lowest power consumption".

"We are pleased to have been selected by Nokia as a key partner for Windows smartphones, in line with our goal to be present in all segments and major operating systems," said ST-Ericsson president and CEO Gilles Delfassy.

"Our NovaThor platforms continue to gain traction as they enable customers to bring great smartphones to the market."

Geneva-based ST-Ericsson, which was established as a joint venture by STMicroelectronics and Ericsson, has never made a quarterly profit since it was formed in 2009, but generated sales of $2.3 billion in 2010.

[source: ST-Ericsson]