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Tencent and Nintendo to host joint Switch press conference in China

Press event will take place in Shanghai on August 2nd
Tencent and Nintendo to host joint Switch press conference in China

Tencent and Nintendo are to host a joint press conference in Shanghai, China on August 2nd to discuss the launch of the Switch in the country.

Tencent is Nintendo’s official partner for the launch of the Switch in China. The presser could shed new light on the timeframe for such a release and what games might be available.

According to industry consultant Dr. Serkan Toto, the news comes as the Chinese publisher had begun opening Switch-released social media accounts.

Playing down expectations

Earlier this year, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said while the release date was still to be determined, such a move has not yet been factored into its 2019 fiscal year ending March 2020.

Should the launch come before then however, Furukawa still warned that the company “would not anticipate it having a significant effect on overall financial results for this fiscal year”.

“The reality, however, is that the Chinese game market is almost all mobile games and PC games,” he said.

"The market for dedicated video game platforms has not been very large, so we recognise that this will be a new challenge for us.”