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[UPDATE] Zynga confirms acquisition of OMGPOP

Next step to goal of one billion gamers
[UPDATE] Zynga confirms acquisition of OMGPOP

[UPDATE] The price wasn't announced but the deal has been formally press released on MarketWatch

Zynga will unveil a $200 million acquisition of Draw Something studio OMGPOP in a matter of hours, with the social giant prepping the press for a major announcement.

That's according to All Things D, which reports "people with first hand knowledge" have confirmed Zynga is set to lift the lid on the acquisition to the world, describing the move as a "done deal".

Drawing on its success

If true, New York-based studio OMGPOP's acquisition would come days after the outfit revealed its Pictionary-like game for iOS had passed 30 million downloads in its first five weeks on the App Store.

Talk Zynga was lining up a bid for the business kicked off at the same time, with the social giant looking to solidify its business following its initial public offering (IPO) at the end of 2011.

OMGPOP currently boasts a 40 strong workforce, which is expected to be absorbed by the firm's new owner. Draw Something is also reportedly generating a total of $250,000 in revenue a day, after Apple's 30 percent cut.

To date, OMGPOP has raised $17 million in VC funding.

[source: All Things D]