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We're aggressively investing in new solutions to deal with UDID transition says Fiksu's Craig Palli

SDK version 2.0 now available
We're aggressively investing in new solutions to deal with UDID transition says Fiksu's Craig Palli

User acquisition outfit Fiksu is one of the companies that's taking full advantage from market uncertainty over Apple's on-off deprecation of UDIDs.

Partly that's due to where it sits in the app ecosystem.

But as VP of business developer Craig Palli is happy to explain, it's aggressively investing in technology because it also sees this disruption as an opportunity to gain market share.

"Standing still and not thinking about migration from UDID will cause a lot of pain for the industry," he says.

"We don't know when Apple will finally deprecate UDIDs, but we're being proactive. This is an opportunity to increase the addressible market and increase monetisation."

Five-ways to track

With this in mind, the company has just released version 2.0 of its SDK.

As well as supporting short term tracking technologies such as UDIDs and MAC Addresses, it offers three alternatives.

These include the OpenUDID standard from Appsfire, as well as a digital fingerprinting option and a first party HTML5 cookie. The latter two are both proprietary technologies developed by Fiksu.

"We don't think there's a one size fits all solution," Palli explains.

"I'm really excited about the HTML5 first party cookies, but it won't work for all parts of the industry. We expect companies to use our SDK holistically, taking advantages of the elements that work for them.

"We think this is a 1 plus 1 equals 3 situation."

Preempt the changes

Of course, the bottomline for a company like Fiksu is how it enables clients to better spend their user acquisition budget so that they can most cost effectively find the 'loyal users' they need to build their business.

Yet at the moment, 90 percent of the business on iOS still uses UDIDs, so there's little immediacy (in some quarters) to move to other solutions.

This looks likely to change following Apple's various announcements at WWDC on the week starting 11 June, though. By releasing its SDK now, Fiksu's giving everyone a week or so to get up to speed on some alternatives.

You can find out more about the SDK via Fiksu's website.