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Nicoll Hunt on his unshakeable belief in at least one indie success in 2016

What to expect at PG Connects London 2016
Nicoll Hunt on his unshakeable belief in at least one indie success in 2016

Pocket Gamer Connects London will kick off the new year in style on 18-19 January.

Tickets are still available.

So to give you a hint at what you can expect, we're shining the spotlight onto our speakers to provide a deeper look at the personalities who will be taking the stage.

  • Nicoll Hunt is the free-wheeling indie maverick behind I Fight Bears, which is best known for its game Fist of Awesome. Tell us about your company's role in the mobile games industry?

The role of I Fight Bears in the mobile games industry is to completely annihilate all other developers, become a global superpower, and eventually enslave all of mankind.

It will achieve this by making funky games with weird graphics and bad puns.

What was your highlight of 2015?

The most important thing for me is that making games is still a feasible way to make money and pay for rent and food.


Despite all the rhetoric about indies being doomed a lot of us are still here, making awesome games and blagging our way into speaking positions at otherwise reputable conferences.

The rise of the ad-supported game has also been very interesting to watch.

The rise of the ad-supported game has also been very interesting to watch. I'm far from convinced it's going to continue long-term, but it's hard to deny it's successes from last year.

It's also arguably less morally corrupt than typical free-to-play approaches, which is nice.

Pocket Gamer Connects London 2016 kicks off in January so give us a prediction or two of what we can expect to see in the new year.

There will be a huge indie title which comes out of nowhere and makes a small fortune.

There will be a lot of games from established publishers with huge budgets that are colossal failures.

The feedback loop of adverts for Game Of War driving downloads Game Of War will grow and grow until it becomes a black hole. Time around the black hole will slow down and it's gravity will increase, and we will all eventually tumble into its slow crushing death force.

You can check out all our Speaker Spotlights here.