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PlayStation and Space Ape Veterans join the formation team

The new hires will help lead the company's engineering, creative, and narrative development
PlayStation and Space Ape Veterans join the formation team

Developer Formation Games has appointed John Collins, Martin Korda, and Ryan Moore to its team, where they will lead development of the upcoming football ownership game CLUB.

John Collins will assume the role of Creative Director, following a stint as Lead Developer as Space Ape Games, where he worked as a designer on Samurai Siege, working his way up to the position of lead designer in 2018. Collins played a pivotal role in the success of Beatstar, which has grossed more than $73 million and been downloaded more than 38 million times since release.

Martin Korda has been appointed as Narrative Director, following his work on popular franchises such as FIFA, Destiny, and Fable. To date, game which Korda has worked on have sold over 100 million copies worldwide and grossed over $5 billion. Korda was invited by BAFTA to become a member of the academy, in recognition of his work in the games industry.

Finally, Ryan Moore is joining the team as Lead Systems Engineer. Moore previously worked at PlayStation, where he worked his way up from testing first-party titles to building the company’s global analytics platform, before leading the DevOps and server programming efforts at Media Molecule.

Aiming for the big leagues

“Proven talent makes the best entertainment and this trio of hires is simply huge for Formation Games,” said Formation Games CEO Jonty Barnes. “John Collins is by far, one of the most inspiring creative leaders I’ve met in Mobile development. His attention to the player experience and ability to solve the creative opportunity in front of us is incredible.”

“I’ve had the pleasure to work with Martin over the last two decades. His Narrative Design on FIFA The Journey, and the multiple award nominations that followed, speaks for itself. When you plan to entertain hundreds of millions of players, having someone of Ryan's caliber steering the engineering team is essential. All three of these new team members have experience of scaling to player demands and designing for a constantly evolving live service game, and I couldn’t be more confident knowing they’re leading our teams.”

CLUB will be released later this year, and is just the latest mobile game focused on the world of football. The genre generated $600 million in 2020, and Live Tech Games partnered with ITV to release KnockOut to celebrate the FIFA World Cup in 2022.