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iPhone has cheapest applications

BlackBerry App World prices on the rise
iPhone has cheapest applications

A new report from analyst Distimo compares the prices and profits from the leading smartphone application stores, with the iPhone coming out on top.

According to the report, the average price of a game on the iPhone App Store is $3.42, while Android Marketplace averages out to $4.39.

Most expensive is BlackBerry App World, where the average price of an application or game comes in at $5.61. These figures are calculated from the daily 100 highest ranked applications on each platform.

It also highlights the pricing models developers and publishers are using for each platform.

Inevitably prices of many multi-platform applications are higher on BlackBerry App World, as the lowest price point is $2.99, but it seems Android also tends to see more expensive applications and games in comparison with their iPhone versions.

Both the iPhone App Store and Android Marketplace prices appear to have plateaued quite nicely judging by the figures in the Distimo report, though BlackBerry App World has shown a 9.6 percent increase since mid-October on its average app price.