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Chartboost: 15% of iOS devices upgraded to iOS 6 within 24 hours

iPhone users quickest off the mark
Chartboost: 15% of iOS devices upgraded to iOS 6 within 24 hours

Within 24 hours of iOS 6 being released into the wild, 15 percent of iOS users had downloaded and installed the update.

That's according to data from user acquisition platform Chartboost, with the numbers on its network - if accurate - suggesting a considerably faster adoption rate for iOS 6 than the one seen for iOS 5 in 2011.


Chartboost notes that iPhone owners are the most eager updaters, and 24 hours after iOS 6 went live, 17 percent had already updated their handsets.

iPad users were slightly slower, and 13 percent grabbed the update within 24 hours. iPod touch owners were slower still, and just 9 percent of them installed the update within 24 hours of launch.

Of course, the launch of the iPhone 5 in select regions today will significantly boost the presence of iOS 6.

'Conservative' projections predict 10-12 million iPhone 5 sales during its first week of availability, making now the ideal window for developers to update their apps for the new handset.

[source: Chartboost]