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Expanding into new genres, King buys Z2Live for up to $150 million

Second midcore acquisition
Expanding into new genres, King buys Z2Live for up to $150 million
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Feb 11, 2015 acquisition King Z2Live $45m

One interesting subplot to King's announcement of its 2014 financials was the acquisition of Seattle-based studio Z2Live.

King paid $45 million in cash, with a further $105 million due depending on the performance of Z2Live's future games.

One of the original core F2P mobile developers, Z2Live is best known for its Trade Nations trading sims and air combat franchise MetalStorm.

It also operates racing game Nitro and military sim Battle Nations, among the five games it's currently operating on iOS.

US team

King commented that the acquisition gave it a proven team - and its first team in the US - focused on contributing to diversification into new genres.

However, given that none of Z2Live games are currently top grossing, it's clear that King is looking to future releases; something also highlighted in terms of the deal structure.

It's not the first time the company has paid big bucks for a studio either. In 2014, King bought Singapore-based midcore developer Nonstop in deal worth up to $100 million.