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Wargaming's Tank 100 app lets users see 100 tanks in 100 UK locations through AR and VR

See them in the real world, watch a film about them in VR
Wargaming's Tank 100 app lets users see 100 tanks in 100 UK locations through AR and VR

World of Tanks developer Wargaming has launched a new AR/VR app to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first tank to be used in the Battle of the Somme.

The app was developed by Ballista Digital, a developer of apps for museums. It gives users the opportunity to view the tanks in the real world through augmented reality.

Users can also view 360-degree films of the tanks in action using the virtual reality technology in the app.

It works in 100 different locations around the UK where the tanks were originally stationed at the end of World War One.

Blast from the past

"History is part of Wargaming's DNA," said Markus Schill, General Manager of Europe at Wargaming.

"We wanted to use all that technology has to offer to give everyone a new way to rediscover history, tanks and facts of WWI.

"The Tank 100 app will allow you to virtually see the first tank on the battlefield or see a life-size model, the Mark I - or a smaller version pop up on a desktop."

Museums using AR to entice visitors isn't exactly a new practice, but with the success of Pokemon GO getting chins wagging about the potential for the new technology, it will be interesting to see how this new app takes off.