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App Store Search Ads roll out to the UK, Australia and New Zealand

Four territories now have access to cheap ad space
App Store Search Ads roll out to the UK, Australia and New Zealand

Apple has rolled out its App Store Search Ads to three new markets after first launching in the US in October 2016.

App Stores in the UK, Australia and New Zealand will now display Search Ads as of April 25th 2017. Developers can get to work on buying up ad space immediately.

The ads are designed so that developers can only advertise their apps when users make relevant searches, and cannot blanket the entire App Store. This prevents bigger developers from dominating the field.

Cheap and effective

It appears to be working well for developers too. Apple claims that the average cost per acquisition from Search Ads is $1, with conversion rates of over 50%.

App Store Search Ads arrived in the US on October 5th 2016. It was only a matter of days before developers such as MZ and King placed ads to block others from advertising over their games.

The new ad form proved popular, with data from Appsflyer showing that developers had doubled their spend within 20 days of the service launching.