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Stadia creative director Hutchinson insists streamers should pay royalties

Google has distanced itself, the tweets "do not reflect those of Stadia, YouTube or Google"
Stadia creative director Hutchinson insists streamers should pay royalties

Google Stadia creative director Alex Hutchinson has claimed that streamers and YouTubers should pay games developers and publishers.

Taking to Twitter (below), Hutchinson – who joined Google as part of the Typhoon Studios acquisition – claimed that streamers shouldn't fear content removal for the use of music, but rather that " they're streaming games they didn't pay for as well."

"The real truth is the streamers should be paying the developers and publishers of the games they stream," said Hutchinson.

"They should be buying a license like any real business and paying for the content they use."

It's a win-win

Naturally, a range of streamers has disagreed with Hutchinson's remarks. Many of which pointed out that through playing games, influencers bring more attention to the titles that they play. A fact known by many, given developers and publishers, reach out to get content creators to play their games.

"Game developers have the right to DMCA strike anyone streaming/uploading content of their game, they always have," popular Twitch streamer Froste wrote.

"The reason they don't is because it's a win-win situation where the game gets free promo, and streamer makes a living from it."

Meanwhile, successful YouTuber and streamer Dandtm described Hutchinson's views as a "terrible take."

In response to the overwhelming amount of comments damning his views, Hutchinson went on to say it's "Amazing to me that people are upset at someone saying that the creators of content should be allowed to make some of the money from other people using their content for profit."

Not a reflection

Hutchinson may work for Google, but that doesn't mean that the tech giant shares his views.

In a statement to 9to5Google, a spokesperson claimed that "the recent tweets by Alex Hutchinson, creative director at the Montreal Studio of Stadia Games and Entertainment, do not reflect those of Stadia, YouTube or Google."

Since making the comments, the creative director has updated his Twitter bio to "all opinions my own."

Meanwhile, YouTube's lead for gaming, commerce and immersive, Ryan Wyatt, shared a very different view to Hutchinson.

"We believe that Publishers and Creators have a wonderful symbiotic relationship that has allowed a thriving ecosystem to be created. One that has mutually benefited everyone! YT is focused on creating value for Creators, Publishers, & Users. All ships rise when we work together," tweeted Wyatt.