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Be in the know with The Developer Toolkit at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5

One of 14 featured tracks
Be in the know with The Developer Toolkit at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5

Just under two weeks remain until Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5, which takes place between February 8th and 12th.

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital will continue our string of successful digital events. Yet again, we will provide excellent panels, interesting talks, and fringe events, and we have improved upon the meeting system since our last go around.

We have 14 insightful tracks for attendees to take in – subjects include growth, esports, live ops, global trends, Blockchain and big-screen gaming.

Every day we will look at each of the 14 tracks in turn. Today is The Developer Toolkit - everything a growing developer needs: essential, practical advice about all aspects of making games.

The Developer Toolkit track is sponsored by Denuvo by Irdeto.

Wednesday, February 10th

14:00 - The track will kick off with a talk by independent games urbanist and consultant Konstantinos Dimopoulos. His session is titled breathing life into games through urban environments.

14:30 - Next, a superstar session with Denuvo by Irdeto product owner Michail Greshishchev. His talk is titled protecting mobile games against hackers, crackers and copycatters.

15:00 - Moving, we have a keynote session on the power of Google in the palm of your hand. The talk will be delivered by Google Firebase developer advocate Patrick Martin.

15:30 - Want to know more about the psycoacoustic phenomenon in games? Then you will not want to miss Sample Rate Audio Production CEO, and sound designer Taras Terletskyy give his talk on the subject.

16:00 - Up next, Wingman AI Agents director John O'Malia will give a talk on the state of the art of autonomous systems - what does it mean for games?

16:30 - Need to know more about community building and management? Then join Brand Author for marketing, social media and influencers Shawn Silverman give his talk on the subject.

17:00 - Our penultimate session will be held by Creature Bionics founding director Ace Ruele. His talk is titled character development of a creature for animation - how to develop a character's movement and give it purpose.

17:30 - Finally, the track will close with a talk from Facebook Partnerships strategic partner manager Alessio Aristide. His session is titled integrating Facebook Gaming services and how to leverage Facebook login for gaming.

Check out the full schedule to see the complete range of impressive speakers attending. You can also check out our other track rundowns and coverage of previous Pocket Gamer Connects conferences ahead of the event itself.

Like what you see? Well, there's still time to register for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5 here.