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The new HomaJam offers participants a 50/50 publishing revenue share

Homa Games announces the 5th edition of the games jam together with Google to continue on the mission of educating & supporting the developer community.
The new HomaJam offers participants a 50/50 publishing revenue share

Homa Games, the leading platform for creating and publishing mobile games, will host a fifth edition of the HomaJam in May 2022, sponsored by Google.

The jam participants will benefit from the expert Google workshops, will be able to create and publish their monster hit games, and win outstanding prizes. Homa Games will announce the jam theme during the opening ceremony on May 23.

In this jam edition, Homa Games has decided to reward developers at each step of the publishing process. The participants will be able to win a prize for the best game idea, prototype, or marketability, without having produced the best-published title.

HomaJam prize pool has increased to $200,000 and 50 per cent of the publishing deal revenue share. Since its first event in September 2020, Homa Games has joined forces with industry players such as Nerf (Hasbro), Facebook Audience Network, GameAnalytics, and Sorare for previous Homajams.

As in previous editions, HomaJam the fifth edition welcomes both experienced and novice game creators.

Olivier Le Bas, the chief revenue officer of Homa Games told "HomaJam series became a unique Rendez-Vous for our community of developers over the years. In the fifth episode, alongside Google as the main sponsor, we are excited to bring a new opportunity for developers to learn to build mobile games on a trendy theme spotted by our Market Intelligence Team."

Registration for the jam is open until May 23, and participants will have a month to develop their prototypes and submit them by June 22.

Throughout the month, participants will have the chance to attend masterclasses from experts within the gaming industry and a series of live sessions to ask questions, find inspiration and get additional game ideas. With constant support and a dedicated Discord community server, every game developer will have access to resources and tools to leverage their game.

To register and access the full agenda and prize categories, visit HomaJam v5’s official webpage.