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YeahMobi launches App Developer Boost Program

Runs until 30 June
YeahMobi launches App Developer Boost Program

YeahMobi is launching the App Developer Boost Program.

The program aims to help independent and mid-tier app developers expand their business.

By integrating with its Native Ads platform, YeahMobi can offer qualifying app developers more user installs as they monetize, with no advertising costs to participants. The more their apps monetize the more users they acquire.

The company announced the program at ad:tech New Delhi.

The App Developer Boost Program runs from March 15, 2015 until June 30, 2015.

The program aims at helping app developers build their business as they focus on developing their products. It predominately focuses on Chinese app developers who are looking to expand globally, although it welcomes developers worldwide.

Success in China

The program could be a huge benefit to start up app developers, especially Chinese app developer companies.

The Chinese domestic app market is notoriously difficult to succeed in for smaller app developers without the backing of larger companies such as Tencent, ICG and Chukong. In order to thrive, many Chinese app developers are turning to international markets with a different ecosystem.

YeahMobi's services help Chinese app developers acquire gigantic user followings globally.

YeahMobi's program will feature discussion panels, salons and workshops around China and abroad. YeahMobi's aim is to provide guidance for developers, support and measurable benefits.

They are also offering the top monetizing apps free help in acquiring 760,000 new users through their user acquisition networks.

Through the project, YeahMobi also offers other specific rewards for achieving specific amounts in turnover:

  • US$ 1,000 in turnover and acquire 10,000 users.
  • US$ 10,000 in turnover and acquire 60,000 users.
  • US$ 100,000 in turnover and acquire 260,000 users.
  • US$ 500,000 in turnover and acquire 760,000 users.

YeahMobi saw remarkable growth in 2014 through its primary focus on publisher networks. Their services helped Chinese app developers acquire gigantic user followings globally.

YeahMobi is one of the key user acquisition platforms for Chinese app developers looking to promote internationally.

Native performance

As mobile ad technology develops in 2015, the industry is seeing better quality ad displays in the form of native ads.

YeahMobi has developed its Native Ads platform in order to help app developers get better engagement and more downloads from users. At the same time the platform offers potentially huge revenue in monetization.

YeahMobi's App Developer Boost Program can provide Chinese app developers a broader international user base, and help them to monetize their apps.

This program is an excellent opportunity for Chinese app start ups to achieve international success and recognition. It is also open to developers globally looking to boost their business.

You can find out more about YeahMobi's App Developer Boost Program here.