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Sony-owned Fate/Grand Order publisher Aniplex's sales surpassed $1.8 billion in last fiscal year

Net profit came in at $312 million
Sony-owned Fate/Grand Order publisher Aniplex's sales surpassed $1.8 billion in last fiscal year

Sony-owned Fate/Grand Order publisher Aniplex racked up some $1.8 billion in revenue during the fiscal year ending March 31st 2018.

As reported by the Japanese government’s Official Gazette, and translated by Serkan Toto, the Sony subsidiary made an operating profit of $462 million. Net profit meanwhile came in at $312 million.

Key sales driver

It’s not clear exactly how much Fate/Grand Order contributed to revenue as this was not disclosed. However, given how popular the title is in Japan it can be assumed it took a significant share.

While the game is massively successful in Japan, over the last year it has been made available in other key markets such as North America, China, Southeast Asia territories and South Korea.

For the year ending March 31st 2017, Aniplex was said to have made $934 million in revenue - showing a doubling in sales.