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Designing mobile game screenshots that actually convert players

App Radar marketing manager Genie Patrathiranond on how to make the most of your screenshots

Genie Patrathiranond is the marketing manager at App Radar.

Your mobile game listing screenshots play a huge role in converting potential players. Screenshots and preview videos serve as a sneak peek of your game for gamers. Because of that, app store visitors base their download decision largely on your game's screenshots and preview video.

We're about to dive into how you can design mobile game screenshots that increase conversion. Read on.

1. Show off the best parts of your mobile game in your app listing screenshots

Potential players want to know right away what your game is about when they're looking at your listing page in the App Store or Google Play. Don't keep them guessing. That's one of the worst things you can do. You need to show off your best features from the get go.

Your first screenshot should highlight not only your best but also your most prominent feature. Together with a preview video, the first screenshot molds a person’s first impression of your mobile game. You want to make it a good one as the download decision can be made in a split second.

2. A clean design is better than a cluttered one

Putting too much into your mobile game screenshots will harm your user acquisition efforts. People get easily overwhelmed when they are presented with too much information at once. Make sure that your screenshots are designed in a clean and understandable manner. Using excessive text or image overlays only serves to confuse potential players.

For both App Store and Google Play, you need to take actual screenshots of your game. So pick moments that are exciting and accurately represent what players will find once they download.

Clash Royale App Store screenshots
Clash Royale App Store screenshots

Next, don't overlook the text that you implement in your screenshots. The text should match keywords that you’ve inputted in your mobile game's metadata. Why? Because the most lucrative keywords will be the ones that have a high popularity (high search volume) and are relevant to your mobile game.

These are the keywords that bring the right audience to you. When you integrate them in your screenshots, your target audience will feel more confident that they've found the game they were initially searching for.

You can use tools like App Radar to find, track, and analyze keywords.

3. Localizing your app store listing includes translating your screenshots

Studies show that people are more likely to download apps that are presented in their native language. Localizing your App Name, Subtitle, and other text fields is not enough. You have to also localize your mobile game screenshots. And it's not just about straight translation.

True localization comes from really understanding your mobile target audience. Your screenshots give you the chance to connect with your audience on both a language and cultural level.

NBA 2K screenshots, with German localization
NBA 2K screenshots, with German localization

For example, in Japan there is a huge culture of kawaii, meaning culture of cuteness. If you're trying to convince a kawaii loving Japanese audience to download and play your mobile game, it is a good idea to adapt your screenshots to the kawaii culture.

Also, straight translation can get you into trouble. We all know there are terms and phrases in every language that cannot be directly translated. Being familiar with the language context and colloquialisms will take you far when convincing app store visitors to download your app.

After you're done localizing, you'll need to upload the screenshots to every locale and for all device sizes. Instead of spending hours in App Store Connect or Google Play Console doing this, you can upload all your screenshots for every locale and device in 1 click with App Radar’s Media Manager.

4. Tell a story with your mobile game screenshots

You get 10 screenshots slots in the App Store and 8 in the Google Play Store. Letting these slots go to waste would be a shame. Every single screenshot is an opportunity to tell a store and increase your mobile game conversion rates.

Toko Toko App Store screenshots tell a story of what to expect
Toko Toko App Store screenshots tell a story of what to expect

Start thinking of your screenshots as a storyboard rather than just images of your mobile game. Show the users how they'll move through your game and the challenges they'll encounter. The first mental gameplay really occurs here as a potential player scans through your app listing page.

5. Keep your promise

The information and creative assets that you place in your app listing are a promise to potential players. It tells them, hey if you download this mobile game this is what you are going to get. And you as the developer, marketer, or publisher have the responsibility to keep to that promise.

Have you ever been disappointed because a product or service you purchased didn't live up to your expectations? Probably, we all have done so. This is the experience you want to avoid giving to your players. Once they're disappointed they'll uninstall your app, which actually harms your app store rank and thus success.

Candy Crush Saga App Store screenshots
Candy Crush Saga App Store screenshots

So ensure that you are accurately representing your game in your screenshots and not overpromising.

6. Follow App Store and Google Play guidelines

You have to follow Apple's and Google's guidelines when it comes to your mobile game screenshots. Your mobile game may not be approved or even put at risk of removal if you don’t follow the set guidelines.

In addition, you'll want to adhere to the device sizes for both App Store and Google Play. That way you keep your screenshots looking their best on any OS or device size.


Now that you know how to design mobile game screenshots that convert players, you need a way to manage your app store listing and creative assets. App Radar is the all-in-one app management tool that you need.

With an account, you and your team will be able to find new keywords and implement them in your app listing, upload screenshots for every locale and device size in 1 click, reply to user reviews and track app ratings, and gain valuable Apple Search Ad insights. Create a free account today.

Author Bio:

Genie is the Marketing Manager at App Radar. She drives exciting in-house campaigns and collaborations to get the word out about app marketing and growth strategies.

App Radar helps game and app businesses, to reach success through App Store Optimization, Apple Search Ads, and Google UAC. If you are interested in working with App Radar as a future partner or customer feel free to reach out to
