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YoYo Games launches GameMaker: HTML5 beta

Now available for $99
YoYo Games launches GameMaker: HTML5 beta

YoYo Games has announced the release of its GameMaker: HTML5 beta, now available for developers priced $99.

Outputting games via HTML5-compatible JavaScript, GameMaker: HTML5 allows content developed using it to be immediately playable any HTML5-compatible browser across a variety of platforms including desktops, laptops, smartphones or tablets.

No I in team

The release builds on previous versions of GameMaker, and including image, level and code editing tools and an advanced scripting language.

Several developers will be able to work on an area of the game simultaneously via the new team collaboration feature. There are also external JavaScript libraries for the more accomplished programmers to call upon.

"GameMaker: HTML5 is a huge step forward for the Game Maker lineage and we're very proud to have launched this new version, which brings game and web content creation within the reach of anyone with the inclination to try our package." said Sandy Duncan, CEO of YoYo Games.

"As the HTML5 wave begins [to] break across the web and it becomes adopted as the de-facto standard, GameMaker: HTML5 will undoubtedly lead the revolution in easily created, easily deployable content that's richer and more complex than ever before."

You can read more about Duncan's opinions on how he feels HTML 5 will affect the mobile-social-browser revolution in our exclusive chat.

Or if you'd rather get straight to business you can purchase GameMaker: HTML5 on YoYo's website.