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Chartboost hires former AdMob man Clay Kellogg

Looking to build scale
Chartboost hires former AdMob man Clay Kellogg

User acquisition platform Chartboost has announced it's hired former Google and AdMob business development lead Clay Kellogg as chief revenue officer.

Kellogg joins Chartboost as the company nears its first anniversary, with the firm's technology which enables developers to negotiate direct deals with big spending publishers  behind more than 2 billion game sessions per month.

In all, the San Francisco-based company now boasts the support of more than 4,000 app developers.

Unlocking the boost

"Similar to AdMob's origin, Chartboost set out to level the playing field for developers by providing them with the business infrastructure required to unlock the value of their user base," said Kellogg of his new appointment.

"Chartboost's platform was built by developers, for developers - it is their success that drives our continued innovation."

Kellogg joined AdMob when the company was in its infancy, with the ad platform eventually selling out to Google for $750 million in 2009.

"We're thrilled to have Clay on board," added Chartboost co-founder and CEO Maria Alegre.

"His senior leadership experience from Google and AdMob will increase Chartboost's already strong momentum as the platform of choice for mobile game developers worldwide."

Chartboost claims to have doubled in size from 12 to 24 people since February 2011, tripling the number of apps in its network, and working with studios such as Kabam, Beeline, Backflip and Outfit7.