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InMobi rolls out in US as monthly impressions hit 16.7 billion

Ad network claims reach has hit 179 million consumers

To label yourself the world's largest independent mobile ad network without fully launching in the US is arguably a fairly major feat, but InMobi doesn't intend to rest on its laurels, today announcing it has officially made its debut across the Atlantic.

The ad network, which has seen monthly available ad impressions more than double from 7.5 billion less than six months ago to 16.7 billion today, is pitching its move in the US as a natural response to its growing business.

InMobi is now offering US businesses a doorway to the worldwide market through one single integrated buy, with the network reportedly reaching 179 million consumers in 108 countries.

Mobilising InMobi

"After two years of rapid expansion around the world, InMobi is in an excellent position to help global brands capitalise on mobile advertising’s reach, performance, and creative impact," says VP and MD of InMobi North America, Anne Frisbie.

"With 3G and 4G smart phones expected to be in the hands of nearly 2.75 billion consumers globally by 2014, we are perfectly positioned to be a priority digital media buy for US global advertisers."

InMobi has already enjoyed what it describes as a 'soft launch' in the US back at the turn of the year, with

the network generating 2 billion US ad impressions monthly.

However, today's official debut is a bid to formally extend its hand to both the advertising and gaming industries in the US.

Solid start Stateside

"With our ongoing success in Asia and six months of growth in Europe, our launch into the US is the next evolution of our strategy," adds VP and MD for InMobi in Europe and the Middle East, Rob Jonas.

"As we continue our expansion from East to West, we are adding yet more capabilities to service an ever increasing network of advertisers and publishers and our launch into the US is a key component of this global offering."

InMobi enjoyed its largest growth in the Asia Pacific region in the first five months of the year, with available impressions doubling from 5 to 10 billion by May.

North America already represents the network's third most successful market, however, edging Europe out into fourth place on 1.8 million impressions per month.