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Supercell sees revenues grow to $2.3 billion in 2016 thanks to success of Clash Royale

Earnings also increase around 8%
Supercell sees revenues grow to $2.3 billion in 2016 thanks to success of Clash Royale

Supercell has seen revenues grow 8% year-on-year to $2.3 billion in 2016 despite facing competition from mobile mega-hit Pokemon GO.

The news comes from CEO Ilkka Paananen's annual highlights talk as reported by Reuters. Paananen also revealed that the studio's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization reached $1.01 billion in 2016.

This is an increase of around 8% year-on-year from $895.1 million in 2015. Paananen attributed the profit increase to the success of Clash Royale, and a lower advertising spend overall for the company.

Tighter competition

"Despite tighter competition, this was the best year so far in financial terms. Clash Royale was a huge hit," he said.

Paananen also touched on the future of Supercell, saying that "at the moment, we are not taking new games into beta tests, perhaps later in the year."

Clash Royale's successful launch was not the only major news that came from Supercell in 2016. It also saw China-based publisher Tencent acquiring a majority stake in the company for $8.6 billion.