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ARKit 3 gets motion capture and occlusion enhancements

RealityKit and Reality Composer also unveiled offering a raft of new features and easier ways to build apps
ARKit 3 gets motion capture and occlusion enhancements

Motion capture and People Occlusion are the new headline features for ARKit 3.

During Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple showed off various new enhancements for its augmented reality tech, with the upcoming Minecraft Earth used to show off the new features and what’s possible with the API.

The new motion capture technology lets developers integrate people’s movement into an app. The video below shows how a person’s movements can be mimicked in real-time through an iPhone camera lens.

People Occlusion meanwhile means that AR content will show up where it’s designed to be - behind or in front of a person, helping make a virtual location more immersive.

New AR tools

As well as the new ARKit 3, Apple also unveiled new tools RealityKit and Reality Composer.

RealityKit features “photorealistic” rendering, environment mapping, camera effects support, animation, physics and spatial audio.

Reality Composer meanwhile is a new app for iOS, the newly revealed iPadOS, and Mac. It’s designed to enable developers to prototype and create AR experience without prior 3D experience through a drag-and-drop interface and a library of 3D objects and animations.

You can check out more of our coverage from WWDC here.