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Unity isn't attending physical events for 2020

Firm's own Unite show goes digital-only
Unity isn't attending physical events for 2020

Engine firm Unity has said that it won't be attending any physical events until the end of the year.

In a blog post, the company said that it will sponsor other events, but won't be attending them for 2020 due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Unity's own Unite 2020 show, which is set to take place in late September and early October, is going to be digital-only.

"Creative solutions"

"We are working through various creative solutions to deliver the content our Unity community loves, like speaker sessions and hands-on learning," the company wrote.

"We’ll also maintain some of the key ingredients of in-person Unite events, including our Expert Bar, “meet the devs,” and networking, and new experiences will be added. In true Unity fashion, we will collaborate with our partners and the community to help deliver this content."

The company continues: "We know there is no perfect replacement for in-person meetings, events or experiences. We believe that by focusing on digital direct channels and engagement, we’ll be able to continue supporting communities and building rapport with industry events and organizations, our customers, and the community."

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