
AdMob to launch iPhone App Exchange

Facebook-style cross promotion is planned

AdMob to launch iPhone App Exchange
AdMob is planning to launch its iPhone app exchange by the end of this month, allowing members of its ad network to promote each other's apps.

That network includes more than 1,000 apps, so the exchange could get decent traction from the start.

The idea, as TechCrunch explains, is to let developers volunteer a certain portion of their ad inventory to promote other apps on the network - and in return get their apps promoted elsewhere.

AdMob has even come up with a new metric for the success of such ads: instaliness. It's apparently a combination of conversions and usage - so if an app is installed by lots of users AND then used lots, it'll get more prominence in the network.

This kind of app exchange is popular on Facebook, but it remains to be seen how successful it is on iPhone.
Contributing Editor

Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)