
Unity engine tops 1 million developers

More than 6 million downloads to date

Unity engine tops 1 million developers
Indulging in a spot of well deserved trumpet blowing, Unity Technologies has announced its development engine now has more than 1 million developers on board.

That growing base has amassed what Unity claims is a total of 6 million downloads to date, with the most recent 250,000 registrations having been made in the last three months.

Revving the engine

"When we released Unity 1.0 back in 2005, we didn't even dream numbers like that, but simply started by trying to be a great tool for the few hundred customers who adopted Unity," said CEO David Helgason of the news.

"That goal remains the same, as we now use our incredible momentum to improve our products and extend our reach. We are only just getting started."

Unity claims much of its recent growth has come as a result of its move to expand across Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, with 2 percent of all active software developers across the globe utilising Unity's engine according to Evans Data.

Of that 2 percent, 300,000 developers use the engine each month – equal to 30 percent of Unity's total base.

[source: MarketWatch]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.