
BREW 2008: Guitar Hero III Mobile scoops awards

A rock was most certainly not out of the question

BREW 2008: Guitar Hero III Mobile scoops awards
Hands-On Mobile will be celebrating today, having bagged two awards at Qualcomm's BREW 2008 Developer Awards.
Guitar Hero III Mobile won in the Best Game Application category, beating off stiff competition from Metal Gear Solid Mobile and SolaRola.

The game went on to win the People's Choice Award, too, making it a double for the night.

There's been a lot of excitement amongst developers I've talked to at BREW 2008 around the success of Guitar Hero III Mobile, because of its innovative connected features, allowing players to download new tunes every month.

However, there was also some gossip last night about future plans for the Guitar Hero brand on mobile, with developers speculating over how soon the licence will revert back to console publisher Activision, presumably to be handed on to its Vivendi Games Mobile division.
Contributing Editor

Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)