Week that was

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Xbox One snubs mobile, Unity goes free and Amazon goes global

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Xbox One snubs mobile, Unity goes free and Amazon goes global

One of the biggest pieces of mobile news this week came from Microsoft's unveiling of the next-gen Xbox One console.

Specifically, it's what the US-based tech giant didn't say about mobile that made news.

The most Microsoft offered mobile mavens was the news that they could use a smartphone as a remote control while browsing media on the Xbox One.

Oh, and there's the fact it can also be controlled with Micosoft's SmartGlass tablet app instead of its native controller or Kinect voice prompts.

No doubt, further mobile integration - both for Xbox One, and PS4 - will be revealed in the future, but the current silence on the issue raises more questions than it answers.

There's a huge opportunity for the next generation of gaming consoles to create a permeable border between mobile devices and living room gaming. But enough about the future, let's take a good long look at the past - well, the past week at least.

Tools and platforms


  • Zynga is drawing something of a blank with Draw Something 2, as the sequel peaked at #74 in the grossing ranks before dropping down.
  • Despite the Xbox One snub, Microsoft reports that mobile and tablet games make up 15 percent of games revenue.
  • Mobile gamers are more happy than ever to spend on virtual currencies, and Tapjoy expects in-app spending to triple in five years.
  • Taptica's Matt Tubergen gives a few tips on how to plan for a profitable mobile app launch.
  • Valmbeer's Rami Ismail argues that it's "almost impossible" to produce an efficient free-to-play game in a "non-evil way".

Industry voices

  • Double Fine's Tim Schafer gave some profound words for developers at Nordic Game 2013, telling them to "Stay in touch with what you love and what inspires you".
  • Our Editor Keith Andrew believes the lack of mobile focus for the PS4 and Xbox One were a major missed opportunity by Sony and Microsoft.
  • Meanwhile, NinjaBee's Ben Bascom talks about the 'crazy potential' of Windows 8 and his hopes for the Xbox One.
  • Unity CEO David Helgason contends that the short cycle of mobile games is responsible for driving opportunities.
  • PikPok's Mario Wynands gives a few tips for how best to break down cultural barriers in mobile business and talks about the importance of working on new IPs.


US Correspondent

Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.