
2010 In Review: Eros Resmini, OpenFeint

Android overtaking iPhone was a huge wake up call

2010 In Review: Eros Resmini, OpenFeint
It's been a big 12 months for US social gaming platform OpenFeint. It's switched from an iOS-centric world view into a cross platform play; a process kickstarted by the launch of Apple's own Game Center solution.

And more strategically, the company has become a defacto distribution channel on Android, helping developers port their games over, as well as providing the marketing support to help these mainly free games gain 8 million downloads.

Another big focus is the rise of freemium; something it's supporting the launch of its OFX platform, while other notable events include its announcement of 50 million OpenFeint users, and several investment rounds from companies such as Chinese giant The9 and Intel Capital.

Eros Resmini is its veep marketing and developer relations.

PocketGamer: What was the most significant event of 2010?

Eros Resmini: Android actually overtaking iPhone shipments. I think these numbers were just a huge wake up call for everyone in the industry, especially Apple. Some folks thought it wouldn't happen but now it has.

This validated our theory that the app economy is just getting started and developers still have a huge untapped opportunity in front of them.

What was the most significant event for OpenFeint?

The launch of OFX. We predicted the rise of freemium content on smartphones back in February; now everyone is writing and talking about it.

OpenFeint removes the server development burden required for freemium games with OFX, so with our technology, the promise of freemium games is that much more accessible to every developer.

What was your favourite mobile game of the year?

Here's a shocker: Meow Meow Happy Fight. LOVE that title. I also think Galaxy on Fire 2 deserves a big hug.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2011?

  • The #3 spot for smartphone OS is still up for grabs and I'm eager to see how that shakes out.

  • The increasing power of publishers on smartphones - EA's recent App Store takeover highlights a major risk to smaller, independent developers. You need to find ways to promote you games and find partners who can help, or you will lose out. Publishers already have the firepower to beat you.

  • Cross platform gaming on smartphones: players want it but some OS manufacturers want walled gardens. It's an interesting situation.

If you could enforce one New Year's resolution, what would it be?

Every developer use OpenFeint. Seriously, it's way better than anything else out there!

I hear developers and players asking for features every day and I think: "Hey, we have that already." I just wish I had a chance to speak with each one of them face to face so they could hear what we're all about.

Thanks to Eros for his time.

You can check out what OpenFeint is up to here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.