
Thanks for ditching Symbian, but we're still cautious over Nokia's Windows Phone future, says IUGO

Bad history but hope ahead?

Thanks for ditching Symbian, but we're still cautious over Nokia's Windows Phone future, says IUGO
As developer reaction continues to bubble under to Nokia's decision to adopt the Windows Phone OS for future smartphones, one of the most balanced opinions has come from IUGO veep of business development Sarah Thomson.

"IUGO is cautiously optimistic about Nokia's announcement to take on the WP7 OS," she says.

"First off, thank you Nokia for finally ditching Symbian and throwing in the towel on the troubled MeeGo platforms. That alone is a great first move."

Deciding isn't doing

Still, the studio, which was a Windows Phone 7 launch developer, isn't breaking out the champagne just yet.

"IUGO has invested early into Windows Phone 7 as a platform with 6 titles to-date. We'd love WP7 to take off so that we're inspired to do more," Thomson ponders.

"But, on the flipside of this, making the decision and executing it effectively are two very different things. Nokia's track record over the past 4-5 years hasn't been very good. There have been a lot of missteps. Microsoft hasn't had much luck in the smartphone sector either. These facts are making IUGO cautious."

Big it up

However, the synergies of the deal, if successful, are clear.

"I do hope that each can compliment the other's weaknesses," Thomsons adds.

"Windows Phone 7 can be an entry into the North American market for Nokia while Nokia can up the ante in handset volume for WP7. If this indeed happens, clearly this will be a win for both developers and users alike.

You can read more developer reactions to the deal here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.