
International ambitions: Why former Ignition man Chadha is looking beyond borders with Balloon 27

Publisher to be more than a regional player

International ambitions: Why former Ignition man Chadha is looking beyond borders with Balloon 27
It's not uncommon for mobile developers and publishers alike to span multiple time zones, employing people from bases in a range of countries around the world.

Such global ambitions, however, are usually reserved for the dominant, or the long established.

For new indie outfit Balloon 27 to look beyond its headquarters in Los Angeles to pick up talent in Turkey, Australia and elsewhere in the US, therefore, is a statement of the firm's intent.

It's a move that also makes more sense when you consider founder Ajay Chadha is no newcomer, having co-founded UK publishing outfit Ignition Entertainment back in 2002.

So what's behind B27's global ambitions, and what will set it apart from the scores of developers and publishers already plying their trade on mobile? We caught up with Chadha to find out.

Pocket Gamer: After leaving Ignition Entertainment, you worked at agency TVGla. What did you learn there and why did you decide to return to gaming with Balloon 27?

Ajay Chadha: TVGla was an interesting time for me from the first day.

I'd never worked for anyone in my life, so for the first time I was having the 'employee to boss' interactions, product to service, which is a different game altogether from my background.

I gained a lot of experience especially understanding brands from strategy to execution, and more importantly, respecting the process in each involved department.

I have been working in the gaming industry since I was 16 years old. I remember seeing a preview of the Mega Drive machine in ACE magazine, which inspired me and eventually led me to importing Mega Drive machines, removing the locks, and changing the power supply, so gaming has always been a part of me in that sense.

Over the past three years, however, I have learned a lot that has given me a different perspective of the industry.

Considering the level of competition, why did you decide to start up a developer?

We are actually an indie publisher and developer. We're seeing more talented and amazing people arise in all industries since mobile and tablet platforms were introduced.

My time at the agency gave me the opportunity to spend a lot of time around creative people, which has been incredibly inspiring. I believe indie games yield a better user experience because they are developed without fear or restrictions.

I started my B27 journey looking for talent and I discovered it. We talked for months and decided that the next step was to start making some games.

What was the basis of B27's debut game Hill Bill?

I loved Evel Kenievel growing up and am a huge fan of Excite Bikes.

Our thinking behind our game was simple, just like how Steve Jobs described the iPhone; simple and intuitive. I knew our gameplay needed to follow that rule. Also, I love art and I wanted to create a game that was visually striking and captivating.

Hill Bill, launching on iOS and Android

Music is very important to me as well as I believe it plays a huge role in setting the tone.

We will be announcing our next title very soon, but you can expect similar beautiful art and intuitive gameplay, but with different strategy in a new surrounding.

And what do you think will be a typical B27 game?

While games are currently our primary focus, the world will only continue to evolve so we see our possibilities as being endless.

I think this comes from spending too much time with CTOs lately.

B27 was founded 'with no regard to location, language, or timezone'. Can you expand on this a little?

With today's technology, communication is becoming easier. When I went on my search for talent, I couldn't just find people locally.

We have developers, conceptual artists, animators and music composers from all over the world, including USA, Australia, Turkey, and more.

We created B27 with an international mentality, "When the best and the brightest come together, the possibilities are endless."

Thanks to Ajay for his time.

US Correspondent

Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.