
2 weeks and 97,700k unique tracks played via Tune Runner

K-pop outfit Girls Generation particularly popular

2 weeks and 97,700k unique tracks played via Tune Runner
This week I've been mostly playing Appy Entertainment's Tune Runner.

Not that I think it's an amazing game, but it is a significant one on a couple of levels.

For one thing, it's freemium and has been promoted as Appy's made its very popular FaceFighter app free for a week and then cross-promoted the fury out of those people who downloaded it.

Much more interesting however is the way that's what is a simple - and in some ways rather dull - game gets you to play again and again because you're playing through your iTunes music collection.

Not only that, you're playing against other people who are playing the same tracks, which can make it a very competitive experience.

Play it again Sam

Talking to Appy about the two weeks of activity, brand director Paul O'Connor says the most popular tracks are those you'd expect.

Lady Gaga has four spots in the Tune Runner top 100, while the Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Justin Bieber, Blink 182, Miley Cyrus, and Michael Jackson also feature.

When it comes to more interesting placement, karaoke favourite Don't Stop Believing from Journey is at #59

"That's out of step with the rest of the pop on the charts," says O'Connor.

"There's also a song called Oh! from Girls Generation. They're a Korean girl pop band and the track has filled up all its 100 slots allotted for high scores with at least a dozen different player names. There must have been some kind of furious outburst of playing this song right after launch because it's now dropped down to #98 in the charts."

In total 97,700 unique songs have been played through Tune Runner, with over 40,000 unique scores posted via the OpenFeint games network service.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.