
As Apple's editorial team works E3, the possibility of game previews are raised

Extending the reach

As Apple's editorial team works E3, the possibility of game previews are raised
In one of those serendipitous moments that trade shows always seem to produce, as I was climbing into the Gameloft bus, Apple's editorial team - notably ex-IGN editor Matt Casamassina and crew - were getting out.

After a brief introduction, I asked what the plan was in terms of how Apple’s new editorial team would work.

'We'll be looking to find the best upcoming games,' was his response.

"Presumably that will feed into Apple's featured slots on the App Store," I asked?

Casamassina said while this would be the initial outlet of the team's work, it would also extend into new channels.

Get with the sizzle

Harding back to how editorial media works, he pointed out that previews of upcoming content are a key element of communicating with an audience and building anticipation for games; something Apple doesn't currently do.

Quite how that will play out in terms of the App Store or Apple's own web presence remains to be seen, but with the opportunity as part of Game Center on the horizon, it's certain that anything the company can do improve the discovery process for games will be massively appreciated.

Although exactly how that level of editorial focus is spread between the likes of Gameloft and EA Mobile at the top end through to one and two-man teams at the bottom will be fascinating to see.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.