
Archetype sells 160,000 copies in week one

Game is currently #2 US top grossing

Archetype sells 160,000 copies in week one
It's always good to see a debut game having success and that's exactly what's happened in week one of the life of online iPhone shooter Archetype.

Publisher Villain has revealed some stats: 160,000 copies have been sold at $2.99 each, and over 320,000 sessions played. Each session can contain up to ten players.

The result has been more than 2 million kills worldwide at a rate of over 20,000 kills per hour, and a position in the US top grossing chart between Angry Birds at #1 and Tetris at #3.

"We are beyond thrilled to see how Archetype in the short amount of time it's been officially released has found such an amazing and enthusiastic fan base, along with the high praise from the editorial community," said lead producer Dane Baker.

"This has been an amazing project for all involved, and speaks to our love for games, so we're taking this warm reception to further fuel our passion to work even harder on future updates, offerings and new game features to support our community of iPwnage fanatics."
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.