
GameSalad company Gendai raises $1 million

First funding round lead by DFJ Mercury

GameSalad company Gendai raises $1 million
Prosumer game creation tool outfit, Gendai Games has completed its first funding round.

It didn't officially announce the amount raised but VentureBeat put the amount at $1 million.

The round was led by DFJ Mercury and includes co-investment from Steamboat Ventures, DFJ Frontier and ff Asset Management as well as individual investors Paul Bricault, Paige Craig, Tom McInerney, Josh Resnick and Mark Suster.

Gendai Games' GameSalad is a Mac OS-based development tool for iPhone and iPad development. It's been downloaded more than 70,000 times and used to create over 800 titles available on the App Store, including Asplosion! HD and Doodle Cannon.

Brave new world

"With this new round of funding, Gendai Games looks to expand our talented team, and take advantage of the ever-expanding capabilities of mobile computing," said Michael Agustin, CEO and co-founder of Gendai Games.

"Gendai Games provides a paradigm shift in casual game development," said Blair Garrou, managing director, DFJ Mercury.

"Our firm is attracted to the simplicity and elegance of the GameSalad toolset, and is impressed by the company's traction to date."

[source: Gendai Games]
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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.