
Mobile games need to be designed around social interaction says Scoreloop

Be friendly, encourage communities

Mobile games need to be designed around social interaction says Scoreloop
Technology companies and social research projects aren't always the easiest bedfellows.

As a mobile social gaming tech company, it makes sense for Scoreloop to find out about how people play mobile games. That's why it's commissioned Turning Point Solutions to carried out three pieces of research.

The first, entitled Engage: Mobile Game Play, has just been released.

How they play

"We wanted to find out more about the social aspects of mobile games," explains Scoreloop CEO Marc Gumpinger.

"There's so much potential with mobile games to be more social because your phone is personal and always with you. It's fascinating to see what people want in such games."

Indeed, the results demonstrate a fair spread of opinions. For example, 30 percent of those surveyed said they enjoyed competitive multiplayer games, while 33 percent preferred co-op multiplayer, and 37 percent enjoyed both.

Perhaps more significant is the way people multi-tasked while playing mobile games, with 65 percent also using Facebook and 44 percent using IM to chat to friends. 

"This shows the opportunities for developers if they can design their games to be part of such communities," Gumpinger argues.

"People are making and staying in touch with their friends while playing. They're not 100 percent focused on the games. The games are part of a wider social interaction. I think this is where it gets really interesting."
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.