
Symbian launches SEE 2010 competition and unveils new face to face networking sessions

Fancy a free trip to this year's expo?

Symbian launches SEE 2010 competition and unveils new face to face networking sessions
With this year's Symbian Exchange and Exposition (SEE 2010) set for Amsterdam in November, organisers have revealed they are to give away free trips to the expo to attendees at this week's Mobile 2.0.

Developers looking to be taken directly to SEE 2010 can enter a competition for a free ride at the event in Silicon Valley, with the expo set to play host to a series of face to face networking meets.

Meeting of mindsDubbed Birds of a Feather sessions, each encounter provides interested parties with the opportunity to link up with other industry players and discuss set issues.

Sessions arranged to order will be published online two weeks before SEE 2010 kicks off, with those looking to attend able to turn up on the day and take part, rather than having to book their place.

The Symbian Foundation has also confirmed a number of speakers due to make an appearance at the expo, with senior VP of Symbian devices at Nokia, Jo Harlow and Symbian executive direction Lee Williams both down to perform.

More details can be found on the official SEE 2010 website.

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.