
Appearance of eight PSX ROM packs marks nadir of Google's paid Android Market strategy

Little shop of horrors

Appearance of eight PSX ROM packs marks nadir of Google's paid Android Market strategy
We all know there are plenty of shades of grey when it comes to the level of curation of the various app stores.

And we all know that Google's close to noir when it comes to doing next to nothing in terms of ensuring there aren't any bugs in Android apps, let alone maintaining any semblance of IP rights.

Nevertheless, things have clearly gone awry when your market becomes a place for people to sell IP they've effectively stolen, which is the case with the eight PSX ROM packs Kevin Williams has just released on Android Market.

Money for nothing

Covering PlayStation games ranging from the Final Fantasy series to Die Hard, Duke Nukem, Medal of Honor, Tekken, Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, the real kicker is that each is a paid for app (approx. 62p each).

Somewhat disingenuously, Mr Williams points out you must own these games to legally use the ROMs, and you're not paying for the ROMs, but the time taken to create the app. Oh, really.

Nevertheless, he's not the main culprit here.

If Google wants to attract games companies to release paid for apps for Android, it's really going to have to try much, much harder.

And with Nokia's Ovi store, Samsung Apps, Windows Marketplace -and of course, Apple's App Store - all providing a much better commercial environment for developers, Google's going to have to do something about it soon too.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.