
Who were your top mobile developers of 2010?

We're making a list, and checking it twice

Who were your top mobile developers of 2010?
Having successfully launched our top 50 breakdown of the top iPhone developers of last year, - together in association with social gaming network Scoreloop - is now hard at work on our current list of the best mobile studios in the world. 

So based on game released in 2010, we're building our list of mobile developers who we're going to crown as the best studios of 2011. (Don't worry about the dates. It's like the Oscars.)

Yet, however wide and deep our research, it's also good to get the advice of the fellow travellers in the industry, which is why we're providing the opportunity for everyone to provide suggestions.

Shout out

So if there's a studio (preferably not your own please) you think should definitely appear in our soon-to-be released list of the top 50 mobile developers, feel free to drop us a line with your reasons.

You can email me at jon [at] pocketgamer [dot] co [dot] uk, using the heading "My Top Mobile Developers of 2011".

And, as an aide-memoir, here's the last year's list.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.