
GamorLive delivers cross-platform multiplayer tool for HTML5 games

iOS, Android and Windows Phone swept up

GamorLive delivers cross-platform multiplayer tool for HTML5 games
Adding to the roster of tools already supporting HTML5's intended ascent to the top of the development tree, French firm GamorLive has unveiled its new multiplayer platform for the language.

GamorLive isn't a development platform in itself, however. 

Rather, it enable developers who have written games in HTML5 to add cross-platform multiplayer to their titles, allowing gamers to take each other on across iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Crowing glory

The caveat, it appears, is that GamorLive is primarily aimed at 2D games.


The company is looking to avoid any slowdown that might arise when handling 3D HTML5 releases – an art many developers believe is currently hard to master.

"We want to match people so they can play in real-time in our platform in the cloud," CCO Didier Roggeri told VentureBeat.

"We can't do a 3D first-person shooter game, but for classic 2D games, this is plenty good enough."

Built in to GamorLive's platform are a number of social features, including the ability to locate and take on players in the local area. Players can also become 'king' of a particular area if they prove their prowess in play, taking note from check-in tools such as Foursquare.

The firm, which is currently based in Nice, is looking to set up camp in Silicon Valley, seeking around $500,000 in funding during the process.

[source: VentureBeat]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.