
Joining Hands and Azkend hit TouchPad as 10tons signs up library to HP

Five games head for App Catalog

Joining Hands and Azkend hit TouchPad as 10tons signs up library to HP
It's well established that, despite impressing critics when it comes to both hardware and its implementation of webOS, TouchPad's Achilles Heel was always likely to be the number of games it would have to offer at launch.

It's a weakness that makes the support of Finnish studio 10tons all the more important, with the studio lifting the lid of five games that have made the leap to HP's App Catalog.

Playing the tablet game

Available for download now for TouchPad owners in the US are Joining Hands, Azkend HD, Sparkle HD, Flash time-management sim Miriel the Magical Merchant HD, and Heroes of Kalevala HD.

It's a library that represents a rehash of its biggest titles on rival formats rather than any new franchises, but an encouraging sign of the support HP can expect to amass if fellow iOS studios see fit to port their titles across in the months to come.

Despite courting developers working on the platform, however, HP has recently suggested it isn't looking to dethrone iPad with the launch of TouchPad.

"We think the world of Apple and have the utmost respect for their products," said HP's worldwide developer veep Richard Kerris.

"It would be ignorant for us to say that we are going to take it [the market] away from Apple."

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.