
Google snags 7-inch Motopad as Android 3.0 flagship

Motorola's reward for Droid success is Honeycomb debut

Google snags 7-inch Motopad as Android 3.0 flagship
As of yet unconfirmed by Google, nevertheless reports suggest the rumoured 7-inch Android-powered tablet from Motorola – naturally dubbed MotoPad – has been picked to showcase version 3.0 of the OS, otherwise known as Honeycomb.

Such talk stems from a tweet posted by Mobile Review's industry insider Eldar Murtazin, who – as VentureBeat attests – has been a reliable source for breaking mobile news in the past.

Pad powerMurtazin claims the 7-inch tablet will be the first device to run Android 3.0 - which is the first version of the OS specifically designed for tablets - mirroring Google's decision to allow Motorola's Droid to act as 2.0's flagship device in late 2009.

The strong Droid sales that followed acted as a catalyst for Android's assault on iPhone and BlackBerry in the US. Indeed, comScore figures claim Motorola sat of the top of the OEM tree until mid 2010 as a result.

MotoPad's existence, let alone launch date, remains up in the air, however.

Given Honeycomb is currently scheduled for a debut in early 2011, Samsung's Galaxy Tab – which commentators expect to garner sales in the run up to Christmas – is likely to act as Google's lone credible alternative to iPad for many months to come.

[source: VentureBeat]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.