Data & Research

BlackBerry owners are twice as interested in games as Android owners

And iPhone owners double BlackBerry

BlackBerry owners are twice as interested in games as Android owners
Mobile app discovery specialist Mplayit's statistics continue to suggest games have a hard time catching the attention of Android owners.

The firm's latest findings claim only 17 percent of Android search activity is games focused.

This puts it way behind the Apple App Store on 64 percent, and even in the shadow of the traditionally enterprise focused BlackBerry users on 33 percent.

The statistics were drawn from 61,202 users during February 1-13, via Mplayit's cross-platform app store on Facebook.

CEO Michael Powers states marketers need to show that Android can compete with iPhone when it comes to games.

"Android is a powerful platform of compelling APIs, but Google needs to persuade both gamers and game developers to get on board," he said.

Different class of mobile

The company's findings help prove just how games focused the iPhone App Store has become. Non-gaming apps make up a minority of 36 percent according to Mplayit's statistics.

"iPhone users are in it for fun, Android users currently enjoy more useful, strategic apps and BlackBerry users are staying true to the platform's business background," Powers added, claiming there are "distinct personality traits for the different platforms".

Mplayit's latest data also notes the rise of the location-based social app genre, concluding that there is "growing consumer interest in lesser known apps that include FastMall, AroundMe on iPhone and BeatTheTraffic on BlackBerry".

[source: Mplayit]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.