Data & Research

Android online activity up 28-fold in 12 months, Droid most active handset says AdMob

Followed by HTC Hero

Android online activity up 28-fold in 12 months, Droid most active handset says AdMob
In its March monthly metrics report, mobile advertising company AdMob drills down into what's going on in the world of Android phones.

Which makes sense as Google's in the process of buying it, the US Federal Trade Commission allowing.

Six months ago, three Android devices accounted for 96 percent of all traffic. Now however, there are 34 Android devices from 12 manufacturers available.

Most popular, at least in terms of AdMob's tracking via activity on its ad network, is Motorola's Droid, which generates 32 percent of worldwide traffic.

Next come HTC's Hero (aka G2 Touch), Dream (G1) and Magic (myTouch 3G), with 19 percent and 11 percents respectively.

HTC and Motorola are the most popular manufacturers on Android devices in terms of activity. Samsung is next.

Google's Nexus One only accounts for 2 percent of activity, demonstrating the importance of carriers in terms of handset deployment.

Robot rising

Thanks to all this activity, it's no surprise that Android remains the fastest growing mobile OS AdMob is tracking.

While AdMob's overall traffic was up 18 percent during March, Android traffic has grown at a compounded monthly rate of 32 percent over the past year.

In absolute terms, it's risen from 72 million requests in March 2009 to 2 billion in March 2010.

AdMob publishes its mobile metric report measuring mobile web and app usage by tracking activity on more than 15,000 websites and applications.

You can get the full March report in PDF form from the company's website.

[source: AdMob]

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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.