Hot Five

Premium games are dead, Nordeus is hiring, and great Scott, Wooga is working on a Futurama game

The hottest articles of last week

Premium games are dead, Nordeus is hiring, and great Scott, Wooga is working on a Futurama game

The days are getting shorter and colder as we slide into December, but we've got the five hottest articles of last week to help warm you up a bit. 

First up is Wooga's first attempt at a branded IP in the form of Futurama: Game of Drones, a match-4 puzzler that should combine the casual talents of its developer with some serious writing talents.

Secondly, Unity stop by to tell us about its report on why you should be using an external game engine to develop your game on, rather than wasting time building your own.

Thirdly, anyone looking to get into the games industry can get some tips from the HR Manager over at Nordeus, a company currently hiring as it looks to diversify out from football management.

And finally, guest columnist Torulf Jernström has a think about premium games, while Farm Away! gets the IAP Inspector treatment.

Take a look at the list and see what you might learn.

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Ric is the Editor of, having started out as a Staff Writer on the site back in 2015. He received an honourable mention in both the MCV and Develop 30 Under 30 lists in 2016 and refuses to let anyone forget about it.