
Parsith's Mark Allen explains how FriendSt@r will fill Game Center's gaps

Turning likeminded people into playing friends

Parsith's Mark Allen explains how FriendSt@r will fill Game Center's gaps
At the tail end of last week, we wrote about FriendSt@r, a new mobile gaming social network from previously unknown US outfit Parsith Studios.

Following up on the story, the company's Mark Allen explained more of the thinking behind the platform.

"Don't get me wrong. While Apple's Game Center is wonderful, what it's missing is an easy way of finding people who like to play the same ways that you do," he says.

Come together

In this context - but not a mobile example, of course - he referred back to his attempts to put together a World of Warcraft guild of married couples who played at the same time,

"We wanted to play with mature people who shared our values, so we would know what the other person was and wasn't going to do - no ninja-looters, no one would pull the boss without everyone being ready," he comments.

"That is what FriendSt@r will help to provide - an easy way to find people to play with on iOS."

Allen hopes to get additional support from developers with an SDK that will be released during the next couple of months. This will enable games to link into the chat options, as well as providing new discovery features for games using the system.

Expected to be released for iOS this week, FriendSt@r will come to other mobile and desktop platforms later in 2011.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.