
Big publishers and Firemint dominate launch iPad game sales

Average price of US top 20 is $7.14

Big publishers and Firemint dominate launch iPad game sales
No doubt, we'll be receiving plenty more press releases concerning the number of iPad and apps and games sold over the Easter weekend, but in the meantime, here's a quick snapshot of what's doing best in the first hours.

Unsurprisingly, as they are the high profile games displayed on Apple's official iPad website, Firemint's Real Racing HD ($9.99) is #2 in the US paid chart, while Gameloft's Asphalt 5 ($6.99) is #15.

Illusion Labs' Labyrinth 2 HD ($7.99) is a #8, while EA Mobile's Hasbro licence Scrabble ($9.99) sits at the head of them all in the #1 spot.

The two games highlighted when Apple revealed the iPad are also doing well. EA Mobile's Need for Speed Shift ($14.99) is at #5, while Gameloft's N.O.V.A. ($9.99) is at #11.

As you were

Indeed, as we'd expect, the big publishers are already dominating.

EA Mobile has three games in the top 20, Gameloft has two, 2K Games has one (Civilisation Revolution), as do Activision (Geometry Wars Touch), PopCap (Plants vs. Zombies HD), Namco (Pac-Man) and Konami (Frogger Pad).

When it comes to indies, Firemint has two games in the top 20, while Chillingo (Minigore HD), Subatomic (Fieldrunners), and Newtoy (Words with Friends HD) have one each.

One unexpected name however is Jirbo Inc, which has Marble Mash HD and Slider HD Premium at #18 and #19, although both are priced at 99c.

The average price of the top 20 is $7.14.

This compared to a pre-launch estimate of $4.41 across all announced iPad launch games.

In terms of the free iPad games chart, the highlights are Tapulous' Tap Tap Radiation at #2, Imangi's Harbor Master HD at #7 and ngmoco's We Rule at #9.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.