
Around half Blackberry owners have used App World at least once

Downloads 'nearly one million' daily

Around half Blackberry owners have used App World at least once
When it comes to app stores, you don't hear too much talk about the BlackBerry App World.

Just past its first birthday, there are 6,000 apps available, which compares to the 50,000 that were available on the App Store during its first 12 months.

Still, co-CEO Jim Balsillie has revealed some more data saying it has 20 million registered users and activity of nearly one million app downloads per day.

This compares to a total of 41 million registered subscribers on BlackBerry devices, so about half of its userbase have logged in at least once.

Apples and pears

Making a cross device comparison, Nokia revealed its Ovi Store was doing 1.6 million downloads per day, while free app store GetJar is thought to be doing between two to three million downloads per day.

Apple's way in the lead however doing more than 10 million daily downloads from its App Store.


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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.