
Free promotion lifts Babel Rising to one million App Store downloads

Monetised by in-app purchases

Free promotion lifts Babel Rising to one million App Store downloads
Publisher Bulkypix and developer White Birds have announced their Babel Rising iPhone game has done one million free and paid downloads.

Available for 99c, the game went free between April 12 and 22, racking up the majority of its downloads within that period.

Commercial success has come thanks to the addition of the Campaign and Fury modes, added just before the sale, as in-app purchases.

"We have an awesome conversion rate," says Bulkypix's COO and head of marketing Vincent Dondaine.

"Bulkypix steps above other publishers by working hard to bring their games to market," commented Michel Bams of White Birds Productions.

"No other company has managed to repeatedly raise previously unknown titles to the top of the App Store charts, making them into a leading game brand."

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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.