
Igor Pusenjak jumps into Fast Company's Most Creative People event

The Doodler strides forth

Igor Pusenjak jumps into Fast Company's Most Creative People event
 Following on from his crowning as Fast Company's 14th Most Creative Person of 2010, Lima Sky's Igor Pusenjak is preparing to teach.

Well, maybe. Technically, he will be giving a talk entitled Jumping Into the App Game - no doubt based around the travails and successes of the four-million-selling Doodle Jump - as part of Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business 2010 event.

Learn from the best

To be held in New York on June 16 (sorry I'll be at E3), it's an afternoon conference that will see some of the magazine's highlighted creatives blowing off a little of their gold dust in the audience's direction.

Alongside Pusenjak, other notables will include Chris Barbour from Adidas, good old nutcase futurehead Ray Kurzweil and Mark Fuller, a world expert in axisymmetric laminar fluid flow, and Disney special effects.

You can see the full line-up here.

The event costs $325, although if you have an attending friend, you can buddy up with an additional ticket for $200.

Find out more about what's going on here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.