
AdMob halts monthly metric reports due to iOS 4 shut out

Jobs is keeping Apple's data to himself

AdMob halts monthly metric reports due to iOS 4 shut out
Another month, another interesting set of statistics about the mobile industry from ad network AdMob.

Its May survey will be the last for a couple of month however.


"We plan to continue sharing data that will help everyone in the industry, but will not be issuing metrics reports for the next few months," says AdMob's product marketing spokesman Harsh Shah.

"We are going to take this time to think about how we can re-invent the report to make it more useful, powerful and relevant for the mobile ecosystem. We plan to do regular posts to our Metrics blog, so please continue to follow it for updates."

Of course, the context behind this move is Apple's public banning of AdMob from its iOS 4 update that was rolled out on June 21.

This means the company won't be able to get information from newly launched iPhone games and apps, skewing the data for its largest sector, and crocking the entire report.

It will certainly be fascinating to see if it can work out a way of making future surveys that excluded Apple devices relevant.

[source: AdMob]

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.